Breast Reduction at UTMB Health

Breast Reduction

​Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, helping achieve a smaller breast size that is in proportion with your body and to alleviate discomfort.

Breast Reduction

Women who have disproportionately large breasts experience a number of physical and emotional stresses, including severe back pain. Often the physical discomfort is significant enough that even daily activities are impossible to complete. In other cases, even if physical pain is not a concern, a woman may choose to reduce her breast size as an aesthetic choice so that her body is more in proportion.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I need/want this service?

Most women who have breast reduction surgery are troubled by very large, sagging breasts that restrict their activities and cause them physical discomfort. In most cases, breast reduction isn't performed until a woman's breasts are fully developed; however, it can be done earlier if large breasts are causing serious physical discomfort. The best candidates are those who are mature enough to fully understand the procedure and have realistic expectations about the results. Candidates should be physically healthy, maintain a stable weight, and should not smoke.

What should I expect if I get this done?

Of all plastic surgery procedures, breast reduction results in the quickest body-image changes. You'll be rid of the physical discomfort of large breasts, your body will look better proportioned, and clothes will fit you better. Although much of the swelling and bruising will disappear in the first few weeks, it may be six months to a year before your breasts settle into their new shape. Even then, their shape may fluctuate in response to your hormonal shifts, weight changes, and pregnancy.

What should I expect before my procedure?

A consultation with one of our surgeons will be the best way to determine if you are a candidate for breast reduction, what you hope to achieve with the surgery, and any concerns you may have. Your surgeon may require you to have a mammogram before surgery. You'll also get specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. While you're making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days if needed.

What should I do after my procedure?

After surgery, you'll be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical bra over gauze dressings. A small tube may be placed in each breast to drain off blood and fluids for the first day or two. You may feel some pain for the first couple of days - especially when you move around or cough - and some discomfort for a week or more. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to lessen the pain. The bandages will be removed a day or two after surgery, though you'll continue wearing the surgical bra per your surgeon’s instruction, until the swelling and bruising subside. Your stitches will be removed in one to three weeks. You can expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and breast skin, which usually fades over the next six weeks or so.

Will I have scars from breast reduction surgery?

Your surgeon will make every effort to make your scars as inconspicuous as possible. Still, it's important to remember that breast reduction scars are extensive and permanent. Over time they become less obvious, sometimes eventually fading to thin white lines. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions to have the best results as you heal.

Will I be able to breast feed after breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction is not recommended for women who intend to breast feed. Though the breasts’ lactating functions may possibly be preserved, there is no guarantee.

Can this be combined with other procedures?

Yes! Common surgeries combined with a breast procedure include tummy tuck or liposuction. Other body contouring procedures can be done at the same time. Schedule a consult with one of our surgeons to determine what is the best approach for you.

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(832) 505-0777

Breast Reduction at UTMB Health

Breast Procedures

Why Choose UTMB?


The UTMB Health team at Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics is here to help you fulfill your dreams. Our board-certified/board-eligible surgeons have extensive training and experience in each of their respective specialties. Our dermatologists are leaders in their field, employing the newest and best techniques and tools. Together, the team can address any concerns you may have with your appearance and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based upon your unique physical features, skin, age, and personal goals.

Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, Town Center

2660 Gulf Freeway South Entrance A
M–F: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
(832) 505-0777