Best Care

Quality. Safety. Service. Teamwork.

Quality & Safety

  • Message from the Chief Medical Officer

    Dr. Gulshan Sharma
    Dr. Gulshan Sharma

    At UTMB Health, we are committed to providing the highest quality and safest care possible for our patients. Whether you visit us at one of our clinics or you stay in one of our hospitals, we will care for you the same way we would want the most cherished of our loved ones to be treated—with excellent and compassionate care, with respect, and with your safety and well-being our number one priority.

    We are dedicated to continually improving the care we deliver to assure our patients achieve optimal health outcomes and that they are always satisfied with their patient care experience. We believe you, the patient, are the most important member of the care team, and we want to provide you with the information and support you need so that you feel well-informed and confident about participating in all decisions about your care.

    At UTMB, we have taken major steps to build a system of care that ensures timely, accurate, safe and effective treatments. We have launched initiatives to eliminate known unnecessary testing and healthcare hazards, including hospital-acquired infections, falls and pressure ulcers. We take reporting areas of concern within our system seriously and are committed to addressing and resolving findings in an expeditious manner.

    At UTMB Health, teamwork and accountability are the most essential components of safe practice. We provide our more than  4,000 Health System employees and 982 medical staff with specialized training and with tools designed to help keep our patients safer. Additionally, the care we provide is supported by the latest, evidence-based research, the most current medical knowledge and advanced state-of-the-art technology utilized by our highly skilled and experienced staff.

    We know you have choices for your health care provider. Thank you for choosing UTMB Health.

Quality & Safety

  • Gulshan Sharma, MD, MPH, FCCP

    Senior Vice President, Chief Medical and Clinical Innovation Officer in the UTMB Health System
    Sealy & Smith Distinguished Chair in Internal Medicine
    Professor and Director, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
    The University of Texas Medical Branch

Quality & Safety

  • Why Quality Matters

Quality & Safety

  • Mission

    Mission: To improve health by offering innovative education and training, pursuing cutting-edge research, and providing the highest quality patient care.

  • Vision

    Vision: We work together to define the future of health care and be the best.

  • Values

    Value: Compassion | Integrity | Respect | Lifelong Learning

  • Equity of Care

    Equity of Care: Our patients consistently receive the same treatment, regardless of differences in race, age, gender, payer status and/or economic status.

Quality & Safety

  • What UTMB’s commitment to safety and quality of care means for our patients:

    Best Care

    Delivering the right care, at the right time, in the right way, for the right person – and have the best possible results – every patient, every time.

    Infographic - patient and doctor talking

    Patient Safety

    Avoiding complications and adverse events, like bed sores, blood infections or clots, and surgical infections, following surgeries, procedures and childbirth.

    Patient Outcomes

    Lower readmission rates, average length of hospital stay, frequency of complications, and mortality rates.

    Comprehensive Care

    Providing the complete spectrum of care with treatments by leading specialists.

    Better Access

    An integrated system of care with primary and specialty clinic locations and hospitals close to where you live, work and play.