Preparing for your Visit

Knowing where to get started with Breast Healthcare can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. Follow these preparation tips to help make your appointment go smoother.

A woman laughing

Clinic visit

 New Patients arrive 30 minutes early

 Existing Patients arrive 15 minutes early

To help our staff provide you with the very best health care, please have the following information available at the time of your clinic visit:

  • Medical Information
  • A list of all medications you are taking and their dosages
  • Other pertinent medical information, such as lab reports, x-rays or a summary of your medical history

Other Information:

  • A list of questions you may want to ask your doctor
  • Proof of health insurance (insurance card or policy), or documents associated with pre-arranged financial assistance
  • Unless prior arrangements have been made, UTMB requires payment for the cost of outpatient services not payable by insurance coverage at the time of your visit.

Mammogram and Breast Ultrasounds


If self-referring, please bring the name, address, and phone number of your doctor or other healthcare provider.

Arrive 15 minutes early
DO NOT wear any deodorant, powder or lotion under your arms or around your breasts
Wear a two-piece outfit (not a dress)
Bring a list of dates and locations of previous breast screenings or mammograms
Bring films and reports from previous imaging not performed at UTMB Health

Preparing for Your Procedure

 Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment.


You may take all prescription medications
Wear comfortable clothing that does not contain any metal


We recommend that you eat a normal meal before your appointment
Wear a two-piece outfit that does not contain metal


We recommend that you eat a normal meal before your appointment
Please REFRAIN from taking any blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Advil, Aleve or large quantities of Vitamin E, at least 3 to 4 days BEFORE your appointment. If you are on a prescription blood thinner, such as Coumadin, please obtain your physician’s consent before stopping. You may take all other prescription medications.
Since you will be gowning, we recommend that you wear a two-piece outfit for your comfort.
If you have trouble hearing or understanding instructions or need assistance, please consider bringing a friend with you.

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