Cardiac Rehab Benefits and Treatment Plans


Recent scientific studies have shown that people who complete a cardiac rehabilitation program can increase their life expectancy by up to five years. Other benefits of cardiac rehabilitation include:

  • Live longer and reduce your risk of another heart attack
  • Control heart disease symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath
  • Stop or reverse damage to your blood vessels in your heart
  • Reduce the physical and emotional effects of heart disease
  • Improve strength and stamina
  • Ability to return to routine activities including work, hobbies or regular exercise
  • Improve confidence and well being
  • Reduce your dependence of medication

Cardiac Rehab Treatment Plans:

  • Assessment of your personal risk factors for heart and blood vessel disease
  • Education and support to make healthy lifestyle changes such as:
    • Maintaining a healthy weight
    • Heart healthy eating
    • Avoiding tobacco and environmental smoke
  • A personalized exercise plan that works for you
  • Monitoring and better control of:
    • Blood
    • Lipids/cholesterol
    • Diabetes
  • Psychological/stress assessment and counseling
  • Opportunity to meet and share stories with other patients like you
  • Improved communication with your doctor and other healthcare providers about your progress following your cardiac event

Our program includes:

Phase 1 offers educational and exercise services for those while still hospitalized. Comprehensive cardiac teaching is available for you and your family to promote the understanding of heart disease and how to care for yourself when you are home. You will be assisted through range of motion exercises and activity progression.

Phase 2 is an outpatient program consisting of 36 monitored exercise sessions up to three times per week. Exercise sessions are prescribed according to individual abilities and progressed over time as tolerated. Blood pressure, heart rate, heart rhythms and other vitals are carefully monitored during each visit. Prior to admission, each patient undergoes a treadmill test, has a hospital follow up with their physician and is assessed by a nurse.

Phase 3 is a non-monitored supervised maintenance program designed to help you continue to improve functional capacity after phase 2 graduation.

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