EMS Partners

headshot image of Victor Martinez-Emergency Nurse at UTMB Health Clear Lake Hospital Campus

6 Questions with Victor Martinez Franco

Victor Martinez Franco, an emergency nurse at UTMB Health Clear Lake, answers six questions.

Why did you choose emergency medicine?

I have always been excited by emergency situations and science since I was kid. When I was in high school, I decided to enroll in an EMT course and realized that I loved it. I loved it so much, I decided to become a paramedic. Then I eventually got my nursing degree.

How do you get through a tough shift?

Before every shift, I make sure that I have everything in place and stocked so that if I need something, it is within my reach. Then throughout the day, I eat snacks and maintain a calm and positive mindset.

What do you do to relax when you are not at work?

I like working out during my days off along with hanging out with friends.


What can you tell us about a recent EMS-related case that was a success? Was there a medic who made a difference?

I cannot recall any specific event, but EMS has grown tremendously in the past few years with many services incorporating new tools such as fast exams, blood products, airway management, STEMI-management medications and antibiotics. Many patients benefit from these progressive practices, which ultimately benefit the community.


What’s your favorite food?

I don’t have a special type of food that I like the most. Overall, I love food and like trying out different types of food.


What’s something you want people to know about you?

I enjoy listening to music, going to national parks, beaches, hiking, running and going outside of my comfort zone.
