EMS Partners

graduation headshot of Emiley Goodrich wearing a white top, black graduation cap with a red tassel, and a stethoscope around her neck.

6 Questions with Emiley Goodrich

Emiley Goodrich, an emergency nurse at UTMB Health Angleton Danbury Hospital Campus, answers six questions.

Why did you choose emergency medicine?

From my first high school health science class, I knew I was going to end up in the Emergency Department. I was drawn to it because of the fast-paced, challenging environment. I love the unpredictability, which allows me to learn something new every day. I most enjoy working with trauma cases and getting to help stabilize patients. 

How do you get through a tough shift?

The first year of my new career was a major adjustment. Finding ways to deal with the difficult days was imperative. I have found that surrounding myself with great people, inside and outside of work, has helped immensely. Also, not taking life so seriously and finding joy in the little things has made my job so much easier.

What do you do to relax when you are not at work?

On my off days, if the weather permits, you can almost always find my family and me on a boat somewhere fishing. Our family runs a charter business out of Surfside Beach. We love to go offshore, flounder gigging and bay fishing. I also love to travel, ride our dirt bikes, hunt, catch stone crabs and do projects around my house. Anything to keep my mind busy. 

What can you tell us about a recent EMS-related case that was a success? Was there a medic who made a difference?

Every decision is important. EMS starts this process with every case and, almost always, these decisions yield positive outcomes for the patient. Administering vital medications, getting IV access, performing good-quality chest compressions, getting an airway for CPR in progress—no matter what it is, these everyday initial choices put patients in a positive direction toward stabilization.

What’s your favorite food?

My favorite food is sashimi! There’s nothing like fresh wahoo or tuna, especially when you can get it as fresh as we do. Add some good sauce, and you are set.

What’s something you want people to know about you?

I love learning different ways to do things and little tricks and tips that everyone has. I have picked up many things from EMS as well. Also, I can’t thank everyone enough for where I am today. I was not only blessed with an incredible preceptor, but everyone has been very supportive, and I have learned so much from every person I work with. 
