Medicaid for Low-income for Pregnant Women
A pregnant woman may receive expanded Medicaid benefits during pregnancy and up to two months after birth if she is able to meet certain income and citizenship requirements.
Medicaid Application
CHIP Perinatal Coverage/Pregnant Woman
CHIP Perinatal coverage provides prenatal care for pregnant woman who meet certain income requirements regardless of citizenship, who do not qualify for Medicaid and who do not have any other health coverage.
Benefits include:
- 20 prenatal visits
- prescriptions and prenatal vitamins
- labor and delivery
- two checkups for the mother after childbirth
- regular check-ups and immunization for the baby
- other CHIP benefits for the baby once after leaving the hospital
Coverage will depend on family income. Some women may be asked to apply for Emergency Medicaid to cover their hospital stay.
CHIP Perinatal Application
UTMB Obstetrics Package
In an effort to keep our patient’s costs as low as possible, UTMB has developed a prepaid Obstetrics Package. If your income level is 200% or above the most recent federal poverty level and you are not eligible for the
Medicaid or CHIP Perinatal Program, we offer a prenatal care/hospital delivery and nursery package. Further details about this package are available and will be provided to you during your first visit to our clinic.
Healthy Texas Women
The Healthy Texas Women Program provides limited Medicaid services to women from the ages of 15 to 44, who meet certain income requirements. This program provides one year of coverage and can be renewed each year the woman qualifies.
Benefits include:
- Comprehensive health history
- Gynecological exam and Pap smear
- Screening for diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, high blood pressure, and breast and cervical cancers
- Assessment of health risk factors such as smoking and obesity
- Counseling and education on birth control methods, including abstinence excluding emergency contraception
Healthy Texas Women
Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Women who are eligible for Cancer Stop services receive a comprehensive physical exam, Pap smear test, and screening mammogram on an annual basis at one of the Regional Women’s Services & Pediatrics
clinics. If an abnormality is detected, the patient may then be referred for further testing through the UTMB Departments of Radiology, Obstetrics/Gynecology or Surgery.
Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer
Women who have been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer may be able to get health care coverage for cancer treatment through Medicaid.
To receive Medicaid for breast and cervical cancer, a woman must be:
- a US citizen
- diagnosed on or after Sept 1, 2007
- Found to need treatment for one of the following types of breast or cervical cancers
- severe cervical dysplasia
- cervical carcinoma in-situ
- invasive cervical cancer
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- invasive breast cancer
- meet certain income requirements
- not have other insurance coverage for the treatment of cancer
- be under the age of 65
For more information on breast and cervical cancer services in Texas click the following link: Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Program